Lofthouses Fishermans Friend Menthol Cough Suppressant Lozenges Original ExtraStrong

Lofthouses Fishermans Friend Menthol Cough Suppressant Lozenges, Original ExtraStrong , 38Count Packs Pack of 6 Products
Lofthouses Fishermans Friend Menthol Cough Suppressant Lozenges, Original ExtraStrong , 38Count Packs Pack of 6 Products

the yam, peeled, cut into small pieces into the food grinder, plus half a bowl of water, the yam processed into a thin paste. Then poured into the pot, set fire to burn, while stirring constantly, boil. Baby the best food in the fasting, the bowl of mountain ones can do 2 to 3 times to feed your baby. Yam spleen and stomach, lungs gas, kidney essence, this as the most suitable for infant consumption, not only to cough and the treatment of asthma, but also in children with anorexia, sweating more, drooling, timid deficiency and other diseases also have a good therapeutic effect . Note that, ya

take 2 to 3 cloves garlic, smash, in a bowl, add half a bowl of water, into a sugar, seal the bowl into the pot to steam, the fire to boil use a small steam 15 minutes. When a bowl of warm water when fed garlic child to drink, can not eat garlic. General day 2 or 3 times, a small bowl. Garlic and warm, into the stomach, lung, treatment of cold cough, cough, kidney effect is very good, but easy and convenient, the children are willing to drink.

(5) diet regulation saying Chinese medicine, fish, crabs, shrimp and other Hunxing fat, greasy foods, may help damp phlegm, and some may cause allergic reactions worse. Chili, pepper, ginger and other spicy products, have a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract, so that increased cough, should be avoided. And fresh vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, etc., can supply a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, help restore the body’s metabolism.